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Fakhrul blames govt for sanctions against Aziz

Messenger Online

Published: 19:55, 22 May 2024

Fakhrul blames govt for sanctions against Aziz

Photo: Collected 

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday (22 May) alleged that the government is responsible for the sanctions imposed by the United States on former army chief General Aziz Ahmed.

Speaking at a press conference at the BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he also said sanctions imposed on a former army chief is a matter of great shame for the nation.

“This regime is responsible for the sanctions. This has happened as they tried to use the army unfairly. They used the army for various purposes,” Fakhrul said.

He said there is no option but to remove the current regime from power to establish a pro-people government.

The US Department of State on Monday imposed sanctions on Aziz Ahmed and his immediate family members due to “his involvement in significant corruption".

Fakhrul said different media outlets, especially the international ones, carried out reports on irregularities by General Aziz. “But the government did not take any action…no one has the right to defame the nation and diminish its dignity and honour.

Stating that the military is the most trusted institution of the nation, he said the country’s people cannot accept that the army’s reputation was tarnished only because of the government.

Referring to the US sanctions on the officials of the elite force RAB, the BNP leader said the government did not learn any lessons from it. “Instead, they promoted some of them to the post of IGP…I don't know how much impact this (sanctions) has.”

 He also accused the government of using the other force of the country only to hang onto power by force. “This is not only unfortunate for Bangladesh, but also a matter of shame and embarrassment."

Fakhrul also said the government is trying to turn Bangladesh into a failed state in a planned way by annihilating democracy and resorting to corruption.

Replying to a question about the upazila elections, the BNP leader said he did not see any enthusiasm among the people about the polls as they have no interest in voting. "There is no discussion among the people about the polls anywhere since people have lost their confidence in the electoral system.”

Fakhrul also alleged that the government is destroying the soul of the nation, turning Bangladesh into a dependent and subservient country.

 “The debt burden is becoming heavier in the name of so-called development. The prices of essentials are also going up due to the government’s failure. Where will people go in such a situation?”

About the recovery of the body of ruling party MP Anwarul Azim, Fakhrul said when a lawmaker went missing going to India, neither the Bangladesh government nor the friendly country India could give any information about it. "Then what are we to believe?"

He also said their party is not even certain if there was any foul play behind the death of the MP in India.
