Dhaka,  Wednesday
19 February 2025

BASIC Bank’s manager conference 2025 successfully concluded

Messenger Online

Published: 20:38, 3 February 2025

BASIC Bank’s manager conference 2025 successfully concluded

Photo: Collected

State-owned BASIC Bank Limited held the Managers' Conference 2025 on Sunday, February 02, 2025, at BIAM Auditorium, Eskaton, in the Capital. Mr Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Chairman of the Bank's Board of Directors, inaugurated the conference as Chief Guest. Md Quamruzzaman Khan, Managing Director and CEO of the Bank presided over the meeting and delivered the welcome speech.

Dr Nahid Hossain, Dr Abdul Khaleque Khan (Freedom Fighter), and Md. M. Latif Bhuiyan and Md. Rafiqul Islam, the Bank's director, was present as special guests.

Abu Md Mofazzal, Deputy Managing Director; Md Ismail; Md Momenul Hoque; Md. Nashir Uddin, Sumit Ranjan Nath, Md. Hasan Imam, Dulon Kanti Chakrabarty, Md Ghulam Syeed Khan, and Md. Saidur Rahman Sohel, General Managers, Branch and Sub-Branch In-charges, and Divisional In-charges of the Bank were also present at the conference.

Mr Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Chairman of the Board of Directors, delivered a comprehensive speech outlining a bold and forward-looking strategic vision for the organisation. He emphasised the bank'sBank's strategic plan and implementation, which aims to reduce operational costs by 20%. Mr Chowdhury gave special instructions on massive loan recovery efforts, including forming a dedicated 60 task force teams and expediting the legal procedures.

He also underscored the importance of enhancing operational efficiency, mobilising deposits, complying with all regulatory instructions, maintaining a high ethical standard, developing human resources through massive training, and ensuring quality customer service. Chowdhury also highlighted the organisation's focus on improving its earnings by making all branches profitable. 

Other speakers at the conference emphasised recovering defaulted loans, disbursing new loans, and collecting low-cost deposits. The managers also received necessary guidance and instructions on other Bank strategies.
