Dhaka,  Tuesday
22 October 2024

Flood situation in Sylhet

Emphasis should be placed on rehabilitation

Editor, The Daily Messenger

Published: 08:51, 5 June 2024

Emphasis should be placed on rehabilitation

Photo: Collected 

The flood situation in Sylhet is reported to have improved somewhat. On Sunday, the water in the flood-affected areas of the city started receding. There has also been improvement in the upazilas. The water in Jainta, Goainghat and the surrounding upazilas is also receding. The water of Surma river has come down below danger level. But the end of the flood outbreak does not mean all is over. The residents of the flood-affected areas are suffering as the water recedes. The flood damage is evident. Rural roads have been damaged by flood water. As a result, traffic is disrupted.

Roads where potholes have been formed due to flood water have become unusable. The condition of these roads is very bad. In the ditches and rainwater, vehicles are not far away, even walking has become impossible. From the areas where the water has receded completely, the stench has spread. As the water recedes, the houses in many areas are collapsing.

Coming to the present stage of the flood situation, the questions of flood healing and rehabilitation have come to the fore. It is the government's responsibility to repair the damage to public property and infrastructure caused by the flood. But how will the damage to the common people be met? In this case too, surely the government has enough to do.

Firstly, upazila level health complexes have to take responsibility for the treatment of waterborne diseases that have occurred during floods. The damaged communication system should be improved. It is also important to provide financial assistance to the families that have been affected to a greater extent. Bank loans should be arranged for the farmers in the flood-affected areas so that they can continue their farming activities properly in the coming days. We observed that various protective and service activities were conducted by the local administration at the time of flood onset. Necessary food and clean water have also been provided to the victims staying in shelters. Food and clean water are the biggest needs for any flood-affected area. Special attention should be paid to whether the needs of the people of Sylhet are being properly met.

Our point is that the local administration should deal with the post-flood situation with equal sincerity. If required, assistance can also be taken from the central level. Non-governmental aid organizations should also extend their helping hand to the flood-affected people. We think that with the joint initiative and efforts of all quarters, the flood-affected people of Sylhet will be able to return to normal life and live smoothly.
