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14 September 2024

Onus on women empowerment

Maxim Gorky Samya

Published: 05:13, 18 September 2023

Onus on women empowerment

Photo : TDM

Women empowerment is needed to overcome the problems of the society. As we know, empowerment means accepting, allowing, and letting women to move on with confidence and independence. It is the way to get the unprivileged women as well as the privileged to come, and realise their worth and potentialities in front of the male-dominating world. There are many records of getting independent and all; but unfortunately, there is still a society, which constitutes women, who lack education and confidence to find their grounds in the male-dominating society. Before going into further details, we need to know: What do we all understand by women empowerment? Is it about only getting independence from their bondages? Or becoming economically stronger? Or becoming a public figure or a politician to rule a society? Actually, women empowerment is all that help develop the women in society.

If we divide this wide topic into few groups, we can get – Women Empowerment in Economic Development, Women Empowerment in Politics, Women Empowerment in Digital World, Women Empowerment in Daily Work etc. Before talking further about the topic, we should know what those barriers are, that stop women in their daily life. Many of the barriers to women's empowerment and equity lie ingrained in cultural norms. Many women feel these pressures, while others have become accustomed to being treated inferior to men. Research shows that the increasing access to internet can also result in an increased exploitation of women. Releasing personal information on websites has put some women's personal safety at risk. In 2010, Working to Halt Online Abuse stated that 73% of women were victimized through such sites. Types of victimization include cyber stalking and harassment, while flaming sexual harassment in particular is a large barrier for women in the workplace.

Why women empowerment is important to the society? As I have already mentioned, women must possess the self-worth, confidence, and freedom to pick, what they may with regard to their private and professional choices. Gender bias is unreasonable and wrong on so many levels. Women empowerment seeks to stimulate the confidence in women by providing them with everything deemed relevantly required. A proper nurturing, polishing, and sharpening of those skills are made only possible through better education, awareness, and space to freely express oneself. Women empowerment helps in fighting this backwardness in ways like ruling out under-employment and unemployment; recognizing that women are equally intelligent, and a storehouse of immense talent; to promote an overall development of society; to grant women economic importance and independence; to reduce scope domestic violence and sexual exploitation; to eradicate corruption; to get rid of poverty; to facilitate national development etc.

Around 50% of the world population consists of the women population. Unemployment of women and unequal opportunities in the places of work cause great problems around the world, as true potential is left from being harnessed. It is very important to realize and understand that women in the modern world are not just equally competent, but even ahead of men in many socio-economic and other fields. This is essential nowadays, as we saw women were not allowed to get proper and higher education; the society was backward and the periods were too much different.

Fortunately, the perception has changed now. Total system has been changed into the new era. The new era has taken a great position in the current society. Now, women take up the same responsibilities as men, and do far better work with their talents on many occasions. Another thing, gender should not be an unreasonably determining factor curbing potential candidates from performing, where and what they ought to. This shall not only prove advantageous to the women concerned, but also to the society, that should in no way be deprived of adequate development.

Every individual requires living an independent life. Why should women be criticised and pushed into bondage? This is hence also crucial in fostering economic independence of women, who depend on their husbands for their daily bread. This is unfair to them, given that have the capacity to perform and add to the economic benefits of the society apart from exhibiting economic independence themselves. This is very important, that women should understand what inacceptable behaviour is and what’s not; in order to fight against it, and this is why their education is very important. Education is another great point aimed at women empowerment. Another thing, corruption meant towards women or the society shall be reduced. It is also necessary in order to bring about peace and justice to the society with women being equally equipped to fight against the wrongs by participating in independence movement, or like raising voices singlehandedly or joining groups, and joining civil services to serve their motherland.

The writer is senior student, Department of Economics, North South University.

